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A city made of hidden faces, empty faces
Gross social masks, who's faces laugh out loud in chorus

And between all these voices that judge and hurt that much,
two eyes, a body discovering itself, a young boy, Mawala

This is the story of Mawala, a teenager who is discovering his own identity, his own self and his own body. However what he feels about himself doesn't match with the values that his family circle tries to instill in him: virility, masculinity and heteronormativity. Facing prejudice, bullying and humiliation Mawala tries to get rid of those chains that his surroundings so badly attempt to impose on him.
Adapted from the tale "Sapatos de tacão alto" created by the mozambican author Mia Couto, Tacão is an ode to freedom. Freedom for bodies, sexual orientation, for gender idendity and freedom to be oneself.
How do we seek this freedom against the burden of social standards and contempt for difference? How do we break free from that mask that they try to mold us?

Technique: Masks, Physical theatre
Duration: 1h
Audience: +12 years old

Dramaturgy: Nauta

Direction: Rafael Rey Domech

Performers: Carlos Gallardo,

                Mathias Rodriguez,

                Rafael Rey Domech,

                Tomé Mouriño Covelo

Original Music: Tomé Mouriño Covelo

Scenography: Nauta

Illumination: Carlos Gallardo

Photo credit: Rocío Rodríguez Freiria


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